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Dizziness is a common brain dysfunction and one of the common clinical symptoms. Feeling dizzy, swollen, head-heavy, shaking in the brain, vertigo, etc. Dizziness can be caused by many reasons, the most common are febrile diseases, hypertension, cerebral arteriosclerosis, craniocerebral trauma syndrome, neurosis and so on.

The common causes of dizziness are as follows:

1. Nervous system disease

Such as cerebral ischemic disease, cerebellar disease, brain disease, brain trauma, certain types of epilepsy, etc. In addition, patients with autonomic dysfunction and certain neuroses often feel dizzy.

2. Ear disease

If the ear disease affects the balance and causes dizziness.

3. Internal Medicine Diseases

Such as hypertension, hypotension, various cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, anemia, infection, poisoning, hypoglycemia, etc.

4. Cold

Sometimes a cold may cause dizziness.

5. Cervical bone degeneration
Due to long-term poor posture or poor sleeping posture, cervical spine hyperplasia, deformation, and degeneration, neck muscles are strained, arterial blood supply is blocked, brain blood supply is insufficient, which is the main cause of dizziness. Often neck tightness, limited flexibility, occasional pain, scalp finger numbness, coldness, shoulder pain, heaviness, and even nausea, palpitation and other symptoms.

6. Anemia

If dizziness is accompanied by fatigue and paleness, the possibility of anemia should be considered. Patients with dyspepsia, peptic ulcer, gastrointestinal bleeding, and chronic inflammatory diseases can all develop anemia secondary to.

7. High blood viscosity

Hyperlipidemia, thrombocytosis, etc. can increase blood viscosity and slow blood flow, resulting in insufficient blood supply to the brain, prone to symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, and fatigue. At present, the incidence of this type of disease is on the rise.

8. Cerebral Arteriosclerosis

The patient feels dizzy, and often suffers from insomnia, tinnitus, emotional instability, forgetfulness, and numbness of the limbs. Cerebral arteriosclerosis reduces the inner diameter of cerebral blood vessels and decreases blood flow in the brain, resulting in insufficient blood supply and oxygen supply to the brain, causing dizziness. The clinical features are the three major symptoms of dizziness, sleep disturbance, and memory loss, as well as parieto-occipital headache, paresis, speech disorders, emotional irritability and other manifestations. Generally, the disease progresses slowly. The characteristic of this type of dizziness is that it is easy to appear or occur during postural changes. Aggravate.

9. Heart disease, coronary heart disease

In the early stage of the disease, the symptoms are still mild. Some people may not have significant discomforts such as chest tightness, palpitations, or shortness of breath, but only feel headache, dizziness, weakness of the limbs, difficulty concentrating, tinnitus or forgetfulness. Cardiac arrest, paroxysmal tachycardia, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, ventricular fibrillation and other heart diseases can cause acute cerebral ischemia, manifesting dizziness, vertigo, stomach upset, syncope, etc.

10. Drug poisoning

It is more common to be poisoned by streptomycin, neomycin, kanamycin, and gentamicin. In addition to dizziness, patients also have sensory deafness caused by dizziness and cochlear nerve damage. Chronic lead poisoning is mostly manifested as neurasthenia syndrome, with dizziness, headache, insomnia, forgetfulness, fatigue, and dreams as the main symptoms, as well as decreased body temperature and loss of appetite.

11. Functional hypoglycemia

It can also cause dizziness, palpitation, weakness, tremors when fasting or exerting force, sometimes convulsions, loss of consciousness, etc. During emotional stress or hyperventilation, respiratory alkalosis may occur due to increased carbon dioxide emissions, hypoxia in brain cells, causing dizziness and fatigue, and the patient may feel numbness in the face, hands and feet, and sometimes trance.

12. Vascular suppressive dizziness

It is often triggered by emotional tension, pain, fear, bleeding, hot weather, fatigue, cavities, and insomnia. Patients often have autonomic disorders such as dizziness, dizziness, nausea, upper abdominal discomfort, pale complexion, and cold sweats. At that time, the blood pressure dropped and the pulse was weak. Vasostatic dizziness is more common in frail young women. Orthostatic hypotension refers to dizziness, vertigo, soft legs, dizziness, and even fainting when standing, often accompanied by sweating, and dysfunction.

Dizziness can be treated from the cause and combined with physical, diet, and traditional Chinese medicine.

Check for orthostatic hypotension. Ask for a history of hypertension and hypoglycemia. Instruct the patient to lie down, measure vital signs every 15 minutes, and give intravenous fluids. Give medication when necessary.

If there is hyperventilation, ask the patient to cover his nose and breathe with his hands or cover his breathing with a bag; if he is dizzy when standing, ask the patient to lie down and rest, and then stand slowly. People with carotid artery allergies should avoid wearing clothing that restricts the movement of the neck. Patients with ischemic attacks or insufficient blood supply to the basilar artery should turn their heads slowly and actively undergo standardized treatment.


Chu Yanjun, Zhang Aiyue, Wang Sujiao, Feng Tao. Nursing intervention for patients with chronic cerebral insufficiency and dizziness. "CNKI; WanFang", 2013

Li Jianzhang, Yao Shufen. Headache. Dizziness diagnosis and treatment. "China Medical Science and Technology Press", 1993

Li Jianzhang, Yao Shufen. Diagnosis and treatment of headache and dizziness. "China Medical Science and Technology Press", 1993

Xiaohong. Why do people feel dizzy when turning in circles (English). "Cx", 2011

Min Heming, Wang Shaoxiang. Cervical causes of headache and dizziness. "Vip", 1994

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