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Facial pain

Facial neuralgia, generally called "trigeminal neuralgia", also called "face pain", is easily confused with toothache. It is a kind of severe paroxysmal neuralgia that occurs repeatedly in the distribution area of the facial trigeminal nerve. Trigeminal neuralgia is one of the common diseases in neurosurgery and neurology.

Medical definition

This disease is a neurological disease characterized by periodic attacks of the facial trigeminal nerve distribution area and paroxysmal severe pain. The trigeminal nerve is the V-th cranial nerve that innervates the sensory and motor functions of the maxillofacial region. It has three branches on the face, namely the trigeminal nerve (the first branch), the maxillary branch (the second branch) and the mandibular branch (the third branch). , Respectively dominate the sensation and chewing muscle movement above the cleft, between the eye cleft and the mouth, and below the cleft. Clinically, trigeminal neuralgia is usually divided into primary and secondary.


The cause of trigeminal neuralgia is unclear. Some people think that trigeminal neuralgia is a sensory seizure, and the lesion may be in the nucleus of the spinal tract of the trigeminal nerve. However, due to the extensive deployment of microsurgery techniques, most people believe that the pressure of the trigeminal nerve at the entrance of the pons is the main reason for the onset of pain. Due to the existence of pathogenic factors, the demyelination of the trigeminal nerve is changed. The demyelinated axons are "short-circuited" between adjacent fibers. A slight tactile stimulus can be transmitted to the center through the "short-circuit", and the transmission of the center is The impulse can also be transformed into an afferent impulse through a "short-circuit", so as to reach a certain "sum" and cause short-term pain. After a certain intermittent period, the appeal process was repeated, causing repeated attacks. It is divided into primary and secondary. The cause of the former is unknown, and the latter is caused by the disease of the trigeminal nerve itself or adjacent tissues (such as tumors, etc.). At the beginning of the onset, the number of attacks is small, and most patients gradually get worse, and the number of attacks becomes more frequent. Each attack can last for several weeks to several months. After remission, it may not occur for several days or even years. Few people recover naturally.


Li Zheng, Pan Baogen, Chen Shuguang, Qian Tao, etc. Analysis of the efficacy of neuro endoscope-assisted surgery in the treatment of facial neuralgia. "Bethune Medical Journal", 2012

Guo Xuejun. Seven cases of atypical facial neuralgia with acupuncture and moxibustion based on three types of differentiation. "Journal of Xinxiang Medical College", 1993

Li Zheng, Pan Baogen, Chen Shuguang, Qian Tao, etc. Analysis of the efficacy of neuro endoscopy-assisted surgery for facial neuralgia. "Journal of Bethune Military Medical College", 2012

Chen Zhifang. Clinical analysis of mandibular and facial neuralgia caused by mandibular impacted wisdom teeth. "CNKI; WanFang", 2011

Shi Cunwei, Jing Xiaopeng, Ye Zhanfu. The effectiveness and safety of gabapentin combined with nerve block in the treatment of post-herpetic neuralgia in the elderly. "Chinese Journal of Gerontology", 2013



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