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Morning sickness

Pregnant women in early pregnancy often vomit as soon as they smell, and it often occurs in the morning, hence the name morning sickness. This is a normal pregnancy phenomenon and will gradually disappear after 3 months of pregnancy.

The reason

There are different opinions on morning sickness in the medical field, and there is no conclusion yet. There are mainly the following statements:

1. Hormonal changes drastically

As soon as you become pregnant, the hormones in a woman's body change drastically. Since the body cannot withstand such drastic changes, morning sickness occurs.

2. Immune response in pregnant women

The body of a pregnant woman may treat the baby as a "foreign body" and immune rejection, and morning sickness may be an allergic reaction.

3. The protection of pregnant women to the fetus

In the early stages of pregnancy, the body may not eat too much and do too much activity in order to protect the baby, so morning sickness.

4. The fetus's self-protection mechanism

The various foods we usually eat contain some toxins that are weakly harmful to the human body. These toxins do not pose a threat to normal people, and the human body will not have any adverse reactions, but it is different for pregnant women. They are weak in their abdomen. His life cannot tolerate the mother's indifference to these toxins. Once these toxins enter the embryo, they will affect the normal growth and development of the fetus. For this reason, the fetus secretes two hormones, estradiol and progesterone, which are 5 times higher than the normal value, so that the nose of pregnant women during pregnancy is particularly sensitive, and the vomiting center is also particularly sensitive. Whenever it smells an "unfavorable" odor, it will cause vomiting, So that toxins can be kept out to the utmost extent.


Morning sickness during pregnancy is something most expectant mothers will encounter. So what effect does morning sickness have on the baby?

Mild to moderate nausea and occasional vomiting generally do not affect your baby's health. As long as there is no dehydration or undereating, even if you do not gain weight in the first trimester (3 months before pregnancy), there is no problem. In most cases, you should be able to quickly regain your appetite and begin to gain weight.

If nausea makes you unable to ensure a balanced diet, you must take vitamins during pregnancy to ensure that you get the nutrients your body needs. If iron makes you feel more nauseous, you can choose a vitamin supplement with a lower or no iron content.

Long-term severe vomiting increases the chances of premature, low birth weight, and undersized newborns. But a recent study found that among expectant mothers who were hospitalized for severe vomiting, as long as the weight gain during pregnancy reached more than 7 kg, vomiting would not cause adverse consequences. If you are not tortured by morning sickness, you may hear others say that expectant mothers who do not have morning sickness are more likely to have a miscarriage. In fact, this is not necessarily true.

Indeed, some studies have shown that women who have miscarriages are less likely to feel sick. Because if the fetus or placenta develops abnormally, the level of progesterone in the pregnant woman's body will be relatively low, so basically she won't feel sick.

Prevent morning sickness

Most of the morning sickness is heavier in the early morning on an empty stomach. Dry starchy foods can reduce vomiting. For example, before waking up, in order to reduce vomiting, you can wash pregnant women, eat some toast, dried buns, biscuits and other foods, and then lie down for about half an hour, and then slowly get up, can effectively prevent vomiting. Water supplementation is very important for pregnant women. Don't be afraid of vomiting. Drink it after you vomit. Repeat it a few times and you won't vomit again. You can also add a little salt to the drink to prevent vomiting and cause low sodium. Morning sickness is mild at night, and food intake should be increased appropriately. If necessary, another meal can be added before going to bed to meet the nutritional needs of pregnant women and fetuses. You can eat some citrus, bayberry and other fruits and their products. If the reaction is severe, consult a doctor for treatment and take vitamin B. Pregnant women should eat light food, eat small meals and eat more meals.



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