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Musculoskeletal Conditions

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) refer to conditions that include nerves, tendons, muscles, and bones that support the structure of the body. For example, carpal tunnels, tendinitis, chest outlet syndrome, neck tension syndrome, tennis elbow, back pain, etc. are all examples of musculoskeletal disorders. Frequent, repetitive behaviors and incorrect postures can all lead to MSDs. The types of symptoms vary depending on the location, such as regional musculoskeletal disorders (R-MSD), repetitive cumulative damage (CTD), and repeated administration Strain Injury (RSI). All these terms refer to different types of soft tissue disorders.

Risk factors

The awkward posture-incorrect posture of the neck, shoulders, wrists, elbows, back and legs, static posture-long-term sitting in the same position and repetitive work-continuous typing, moving the mouse, organizing documents or writing, affected by Force-hitting the keyboard, holding the mouse tightly, contact pressure-contacting the surface of the wrist can cause pain in the wrist joint.

Signs of symptoms

Numbness or burning in the hands

Reduced grip

Swollen or stiff joints

Pain or discomfort in the wrist, forearm, elbow, neck, or back

Obstruction of shoulder, neck, or back behavior

Dry, itchy or sore eyes

Examples of symptoms

Tendinitis-Inflammation of the tendon

Golf elbow-pain inside the elbow

Shoulder Pain-Injury to the soft tissues of the shoulder

Thoracic outlet syndrome-neuralgia that passes through the neck to the arms or underarms

Wrist complications-weakness or pain in the hands including the pinky and ring fingers

Tennis elbow-pain on the outside of the elbow

Prevention method

1. Maintain the correct posture of the neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, back and legs in front of the computer

2. Regularly stretch and relax, and ensure at least a short rest every hour to prevent the occurrence of RSIs

3. Keep the mouse and keyboard on the same level

4. Avoid holding the mouse tightly and using excessive force

5. Use appropriate ergonomics methods, do not put your wrist on the edge of the table when using the mouse or typing, put it on the wrist pad or armrest

6. Sit upright. Make sure the chair can stand to support your spine.

7. Regular cardiovascular exercise

8. Always maintain a good posture



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